*概要 [#u4c9007a]

*必要パッケージのインストール [#xcba072f]
 # aptitude install kernel-package
 # aptitude install fakeroot
 # aptitude install libncurses-dev

*ソースの確認 [#aca97f46]
 # apt-cache search linux-source 
 linux-patch-debian-2.6.26 - Debian patches to version 2.6.26 of the Linux kernel
 linux-source-2.6.26 - Linux kernel source for version 2.6.26 with Debian patches
 linux-tree-2.6.26 - Linux kernel source tree for building Debian kernel images

*ソースの取得 [#s69dd6b2]
 # apt-get install linux-source-2.6.26
 # apt-get install linux-patch-debian-2.6.26

*ソースの解凍と設定変更 [#t48786a1]
 # cd /usr/src/
 # tar xjfv linux-source-2.6.26.tar.bz2 
 # ln -s linux-source-2.6.26 linux
 # cd linux
 # make-kpkg clean 
 # cp /boot/config-2.6.26-2-686 .config
 # make menuconfig

*再構築 [#cdd8c10a]
 make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --append-to-version myct kernel-image 

*参考 [#h5f78ddb]


&size(12){Total:&counter(total); / Today:&counter(today); / Yesterday:&counter(yesterday);};

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